Extra! 65 by Christy on June 22, 2017 Chapter: Book 1 & 2!, DERPCharacters: Emperor Penguin, EXV "Xavier", LXS "Alexis", Valerie It only works once, Clyde. Yayyy Xavier has his name now! It only took 65 pages to get to their “real” names. XDD
This is one of my favorite pages!! Eeyehgsvee XD
I was half expecting him to be named EV… But now he must go bald and cripple to have his insurmountable power.
I thought they cleaned themselves up between pages 63 and 64, but they’re back to being dirty in page 65.
Haha, I think I just forgot to draw the mud on 64! Whoops! Thank you for catching that.
We could’ve had Berdicus! lol On another note, I like how you drew Xavier on the last panel. You’re really good at facial expressions!! I like how you draw them.
Thank you so much! I think he would’ve made a great Berdicus. XD
I can’t believe Berdicus didn’t go with “Eeyehgsvee.” Missed opportunity, if you ask me.
I really love the giraffe! XD