Ah. Let’s hope they aren’t listening, then. They’ll have conformation that she is one of his “mates”…
Maybe not? He is a recognizable character from a TV show, maybe a popular one. Maybe she’s one of his fangirls for all they know.
Hmmm is anyone else concerned about security cameras in here? They’re spilling a LOT of beans REALLY fast. Beans city in here right now.
Do they really not care about what goes on in this cell? If they even torture him for information, one would think they would keep a close eye on him.
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Ah. Let’s hope they aren’t listening, then. They’ll have conformation that she is one of his “mates”…
Maybe not? He is a recognizable character from a TV show, maybe a popular one. Maybe she’s one of his fangirls for all they know.
Hmmm is anyone else concerned about security cameras in here? They’re spilling a LOT of beans REALLY fast. Beans city in here right now.
Do they really not care about what goes on in this cell? If they even torture him for information, one would think they would keep a close eye on him.
More great facial expressions!